Saturday, 21 June 2014

Real men hull tank

For a long time in Eve hull tanking has been a joke. There are modules but they were pretty terrible, especially hull reppers which repair about a tenth of what an armour repper or shield repairer would do.

Forget everything you know about Eve tanking and just consider this:

APPLE style tanking:

mod that boosts apple resists by 30% costing 32 cap per 10 seconds.
rig that boosts apple hit points by 15%

PEAR style tanking:
mod that boosts pear resists by 20%, cap free
rig that boosts pear tank hit points by 15%

BANANA style tanking:
mod that boosts banana resists by 60%, small boosts to the resists of the other tanks, 1 cap per 30 seconds.
rig that boosts banana tank by 20%

Holy crap banana tanks look good.

Now let's look at it with the Eve info:

Shield style tanking:

mod that boosts shield resists by 30% costing 32 cap per 10 seconds.
rig that shield hit points by 15%

Armour style tanking:
mod that boosts armour resists by 20%, cap free
rig that boosts armour tank hit points by 15%

Hull style tanking:
mod that boosts hull resists by 60%, small boosts to the resists of the other tanks, 1 cap per 30 seconds.
rig that boosts hull tank by 20%

Now let's review hull tanking:
- unbelievably good resist all mods
- outstanding rigs
- mediocre +hit point option (Reinforced Bulkheads)
- shockingly bad active tank mods (Hull reppers)
- poor rep drones (hull rep drones rep half as much as the other rep drones).

If we just take the really good modules we get a skeleton Eve fit as follows:

Damage Control II

Transverse Bulkhead I
Transverse Bulkhead I
Transverse Bulkhead I

This fit leaves almost all your main module slots free while giving you a hull tank with 60% resists and 173% of base hull hit points for the ship type.

Now here's a thing I didn't know and you may not: Gallente ships have lots of hull hit points. It's a racial thing.

So now we're looking at Gallente ships which can make good use of the other slots. In general this approach is best suited to ships which need a bit more tank but can really use all of the slots. This probably means ships that are on the small size, it's less useful on a large ship with many slots like a Dominix.

Here's a fast aggressive Taranis tackler:

[Taranis, hull]

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Overdrive Injector System II

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Warp Scrambler II

Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
[Empty High slot]

Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Small Transverse Bulkhead I

2 Hornet EC-300s

It uses the extra slots freed up to get more speed and damage while packing the mids with mwd and tackle. It has 4.5k ehp which is fairly high for an inty, it has 236 dps which is exceptionally high for an inty and it moves over 4km/s. It can web scram and ecm jam.

If you armour tanked this you'd lose damage and speed modules, plus a plate would slow you down, if you shield tanked it you'd lose a web and need an auxiliary power module to give you enough grid, costing you either your overdrive or your mag stab.

Here's another particularly evil fit: a cap stable triple neut tristan with 122 dps and 5.1k ehp. It will neut out a half cap tristan in 8 seconds!

[Tristan, hull]

Damage Control II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Overdrive Injector System II

Small Capacitor Booster II, Navy Cap Booster 400
Warp Disruptor II
1MN Afterburner II

Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I
Small Unstable Power Fluctuator I

Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Small Transverse Bulkhead I
Small Transverse Bulkhead I

Hobgoblin II x5

Last but not least I present a beast of a Vexor: 882 dps, 2 web, scram, 1663 m/s, 17.3k effective hit points.

[Vexor, hull]

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M
Heavy Neutron Blaster II, Void M

Medium Transverse Bulkhead I
Medium Transverse Bulkhead I
Medium Transverse Bulkhead I

Ogre II x2
Hobgoblin II x1
Hammerhead II x2

Spare drones 10 Warrior IIs

(Image borrowed from Tiger Ears)


  1. Thanatos can be made DD resistant with Transverse Blulkheads and a full rack of reinforced bulkheads. Great for fishing for drive-by titans.

  2. HEY YOU! I WANT MY CREDS! (Im sorry, Im pretty drunk. <3 your mom.)

  3. I like that taranis fit but as with any fit I wonder how it stands up against a shield/armor/hull tanked tristan. Somehow I consider the tristan to be a standard fit that I need to be capable of defeating.
    *Totally unrelated to an alliance frigate tournament I am patricipating in and where the tristan is giving me headaches.*

    1. T1 frigs usually beat inties and the Tristan is a beast. If you can use T2 and want to kill tristans I'd look into the Tech 2 version of the Tristan: The Ishkur. Otherwise asb rocket ab web scram breacher should beat Tristan, orbit at 7km, just outside neut range.

  4. I dont think you should discount the distraction factor... Enemy rips through your shield, and armor, figured he has you done when the damage almost stops going into the hull... those few moments of distraction might mean heat doesnt happen, or is turned off... Could be a chance for a win. I saw a mimitar titan fit that would put out something on the order of a 17 million ehp tank, with a fully functional rack of highs (DD, bridge, other sundrys) and hull reppers in the mids... only issue was that calculations showed once the fight was over, if the ship was brought to 15% hull it would take the reppers 7.8 days to fill the hull back up.

    Funniest part... besides the hull only "expensive" piece was one officer grade co- processor.... everything else was tech 2.

  5. Clearly my mistake in EFTing hull tanks was trying to get the CPU expensive Reinforced Bulkhead IIs in there - but at +25% structure they are quite nice. With the T2 ships I do have to wonder if the T2 rigs would be worth it - you're paying quite a premium in lost utility with all the rigs used up.

    1. T1 rigs are +20%, T2 rigs are +25%. It's not proportionately as big a gain as upgrading trimarks but sure it can't hurt if you want to pay a little more.

  6. prperly doubble post...
    the number one of hull tank hull were the brutix navy issue -> ~ 190k ehp t2 rigs and full set of bulkheads +DCU .. damage still arround 670dps with hammers and void!
