Thursday, 1 October 2015

TV: Orphan Black

I try to stick to MMO discussion here but I wanted to mention this particularly fine TV show.

Orphan Black is a dark funny contemporary sci fi show about human cloning. Because of the weirdness of the TV industry I've found a lot of people haven't heard of it as it's not particularly well promoted, especially in the USA.

It's a first class TV series, on a par with Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones.

Season 1 and 2 are currently available on UK Netflix.

Season 3 is available for about a month on the BBC iplayer.

If you have access it's definitely one to catch if you like TV drama shows.

Here's a trailer:


  1. Why the hell Tatiana Maslany hasn't won every major acting award there is, is beyond me. Brilliant. And absolutely worth a watch.

    1. Meh, she's ok not great. Just because she plays a bunch of different characters (the crazy russian chick being the best of the lot) doesn't make her brilliant.

  2. Its a good show, but putting in on par with breaking bad and GoT is a bit of a stretch

  3. What PBM did you use to help run?

    1. Global Supremacy in 1987.

    2. I GMed an area in Saturnalia in 1988 (& onwards).

      What was the name of the game than Ryan/Hungerford played in?

    3. I can't remember - it wasn't us.

      Some of my colleagues knew the guys who ran that game. They were really shaken and stopped doing the PBM.

  4. Details of the Ryan PBM here:

  5. It's an ok show, especially considering the garbage that on other channels in the same time slot around here. On par with Breaking Bad sure but Game of Thrones, not even close!
