As always it's a great pleasure to go along to these Eve meets and chat to fellow players. There were three of us from SEDNA which was fantastic - maybe next time we'll get some T-shirts done.
At the very back of the room we see Saiyon (next to CCP Falcon's right ear) and Mrs Saiyon (next to his left ear) |
This time I and a friend also interviewed some players, just asking two questions:
What is best in Eve?
What will change for you in Rubicon?
I'm very grateful to the enthusiasm of the people we asked and especially indebted to Vel who helped me by doing a load of interviewing (including interviewing Chribba while having no idea he was someone Eve-famous!)
Apologies in advance to anyone who's name I mangle - you can ask for a correction in the comments.
Saiyon Sedna
What is best in Eve? Solo kills
What will change for you in Rubicon? SOE ships
Amber Sedna
What is best in Eve? Diversity
What will change for you in Rubicon? being able to steal with siphons
What is best in Eve? knowing that you can always go to a scarier place
What will change for you in Rubicon? might play more
Priete Future Corps
What is best in Eve? The players
What will change for you in Rubicon? Not seeing much special
Arnulf Ogonkoya
What is best in Eve? Interesting people
What will change for you in Rubicon? The deployables, the depot.
Kituran Curaunsi
What is best in Eve? The Sandbox
What will change for you in Rubicon? Might fly Marauders
Ezek Price Wrecking Shots
What is best in Eve? that it's meant to be played cruelly
What will change for you in Rubicon? siphon
Kaish8 Origin
What is best in Eve? The kills
What will change for you in Rubicon? pvp based on deployables
Andromeda Puttra ex-Golden Scimitar
What is best in Eve? pvp, awoxing
What will change for you in Rubicon? SOE ships
What is best in Eve? The community
What will change for you in Rubicon? The depot
Tiberius Trifectus Syn.
What is best in Eve? Its depth: so much to do, so many difficult things to master
What will change for you in Rubicon? The new code for deployable structures will open up opportunities
Chribba Other World Enterprises
More info
What is best in Eve? Community
What will change for you in Rubicon? Warp acceleration (speed)
Rentonbl Altsl Black Omega Security
What is best in Eve? The ability to do anything
What will change for you in Rubicon? my pvp prospects - for the better
Me Bad Phoenix Society
What is best in Eve? Making people cry.
What will change for you in Rubicon? High sec PI rule change (more crying)
Minijoegann Resilience
What is best in Eve? The Raven
What will change for you in Rubicon? Less play
Sn4keyes Sacred Templars
What is best in Eve? The people
What will change for you in Rubicon? The ability to steal for my alliance
Det Resprox TRIAD
What is best in Eve? Community and complexity
What will change for you in Rubicon? Nothing - only flies Caldari
Ugleb Joturn Risi
What is best in Eve? Roleplay
What will change for you in Rubicon? not much
Sovari TRIAD
What is best in Eve? Player involvement to drive future development
Cpt Plumb Scope
What is best in Eve? Everything you do involves in some way interacting with other people and the game is so open it is created by the players around you.
What will change for you in Rubicon? How I as a specialist in pvp will torment large alliances
Mad Ani (no alliance)
Mad Ani runs several alts operating hidden cameras in conflict zones in Eve and streaming them to twitch tv. His twitch stream is
What is best in Eve? The player base drives a fluid dynamic.
What will change for you in Rubicon? The new interceptor functionality will greatly help him to position camera alts and twitch integration may affect him significantly.
CM Tacitus Ascendancy Nulli
What is best in Eve? Friendship makes a smaller world
What will change for you in Rubicon? T2 battleships will be more useful
Krackie Segmentum Solar Nulli
What is best in Eve? Meta-game
What will change for you in Rubicon? Interceptor bubble immunity and warp fix, new ships
Ninja87 600 Segmentum Solar Nulli
What is best in Eve? love T3 ships, Proteus for the win
What will change for you in Rubicon? training for a Kronos just for the pimp factor
CCP Maiden Steel
Very knowledgable and interesting gamesmaster, formerly a low sec pirate with Tuskers and Hellcats. Her twitter is here.
What is best in Eve? To kill people and collect their tears.
What will change for you in Rubicon? not much
DJ Maddog Eve Radio
What is best in Eve? It's a different game compared to other games, it's not about leveling up.
What will change for you in Rubicon? Twitch integration, interceptors, warpability.
Jus_J4ck Eve Radio
What is best in Eve? Community (he then left for champagne with said community)
What will change for you in Rubicon? a chance to go back in.
Chrispy Bacon/DJ Damage Red Dawn Mercs
What is best in Eve? Development
What will change for you in Rubicon? nothing
Arline Key PIE inc
What is best in Eve? Community and how devs talk and interact with us
What will change for you in Rubicon? Roleplay aspect which will definitely change with the reduction of Empire power over the capsuleer community.
Touji Sinstdar Panda
What is best in Eve? Community
What will change for you in Rubicon? More suspects maybe?
Jared Reidel Dark Rising
What is best in Eve? The fact that I don't have to log in all that often
What will change for you in Rubicon? I'll be able to carry my shit around.
Mitch Taylor Dark Rising
What is best in Eve? Sandbox
What will change for you in Rubicon? Siphons and deployables
Donny Osmond Eve protection agency
What is best in Eve? social side
What will change for you in Rubicon? dont know
Corina Reglaeius Mindstar
What is best in Eve? social side, having a crack on comms.
What will change for you in Rubicon? don't know
Superkid Mindstar
What is best in Eve? holding plexes open
What will change for you in Rubicon? being a carebear
Marcus Gord Akva Vit
What is best in Eve? 'To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women!'
And last but not least:
Sort ("Do you know who I am?") Dragon Resilience
Formerly Coalition Leader of HBC and TDS.
What is best in Eve? Alcohol
What will change for you in Rubicon? Alcohol
Big thanks to everyone who took part. Please note that names are as we were told them and there's at least one moment of metagaming in choice of name.
Thanks to CCP and Veto for their organisation of these events. We even
have photos courtesy of Kiliv.